Monday 13 June 2016

The Hype of Sugar

I have a very active child, and I like my child is not to have sugar at home. I do not buy chocolate bars I do not buy Sweet treats if they want a snack they have fruit.

We do like having sugary, fruity yogurts, and we do eat sweet stuff on special occasions. I don't allow fizzy in the house. When I have given my son certain things I have noticed his behaviour quickly escalates, becoming more erratic and he is definitely more unruly. I understand that he's just a child but I don't want to put him at the risk of developing a sugar addiction, as if this were to happen I feel it would be a result of my poor judgement as a mother.

Without sugar my son is still very active and sporadic, though he's always charming and handsome. Even though I have two children, they are very different; when my daughter does have sugar she will become very hyperactive and will not know how to relax.

I don't cut the sugar out of our diets just for myself - I do it for them, helping us all realise what food we really need and what the kids really want to eat. I like to lower the risk of any sugar addiction they could get, showing my children that they don't need that to survive. If my children are at a party and there is anything that has a really high sugar content, I do not allow them to have it, and as a result they are often more relaxed.

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