Friday 17 June 2016

Should we share with our children?

We're going to discuss in whether we should have children in our beds. There's a lot of different research to support each point of view. Knowing whether it is ever right are all wrong?

Co sharing mother's

Benefits of sharing a bed with your child:

  •  You're right there if your child gets scared
  • Co share children  become independent quicker
  • Children that are in the same bed or bedroom as the mother or father are more 
  • likely to sleep in longer.
  • Can help your child regulate their temperature and help them to remember  to breathe
  • Is co sharing properly it can lower the risk of sudden death syndrome.
How long should we share?
This is up to the parents to whether they feel like they want to move a child into their own bed or own room. Many parents would do it when they are ready, and it would differ on different child

Does it depend on the child?
Every child is different and some children prefer to be in their own beds and others have comfort in sleeping being in the same room as their parents.
Is it a maternal Instinct?
Is there any risks?

Are you just letting your child rule the
This statement is totally false, children who are co sharing with their parents I'm not more likely to be rule the roost.

Non Co sharing  mums?

Benefits of not sharing a bed with your child:

  • The parents can have alone time.
  • It's easy to get a babysitter when you want to go out.
  • People on all crammed in one bed

When should you put your child in their own room if not in their own room from birth?
There is no right or wrong way when to put your child in their own better in their own room. A lot of Midwives will tell you when the newborn to put them in their own beds, the nobody rolls over their children.

Does it depend on the child?
Putting a child into their own bed or into the room depends on the child because some children get too scared in their own room, I need a little bit of comfort.

It is safer?
The debate about is it really safer to not co sharing with your child, invoice will depend on who you talk to and their opinions on it. I think the parents should make the right decision depending on your child.

Are you doing too strict with your child?
This is completely false there is no correlation between parents that put their kids in their own beds and the strictness of them.

Our thoughts and opinions:
My personal opinion is the fact that we should stop judging parents if they co share or not and hopefully every parent would have what's the best for the child in mind.

What we have trains today and personal stories.

Mars: with my first I started off putting him in Moses basket, and then he became very busy and I felt the Moses Basket was not suitable and then he started coming into my bed. Who is the owner of a my bad until he was 11 months, I put him in his own bed need a room. There was always another bed in his room just in case he got a bit upset so I could stay in the room with him.
With my second she went straight to co sharing with me and it was the best decision I made. Learn a little bit older they both sleep in my bed or I'll sleep in their room, most of the time they will sleep in their own bed and I sleep and mine. I personally think when they have just come out the womb a little bit mean to put them in their own caught in their own room. I got a life sleepless nights having my babies in with me then I did when they were not in with me.

If you decide to co share with your baby:

  • Make sure you are not under the influence of alcohol or drugs
  • If one of you are a really deep sleeper you should probably get a side cot that attaches to your bed
  • Make sure you don't put your duvet over your child and they have their own blanket
  • Never put your child nearly end you at end of the bed
  • When your charges at the state of Rolling or crawling need to make sure the safety things around your room or a stair gate on the door.

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