Thursday 9 June 2016

A Parent's Guide to Alone Time

''Even though I'm in a relationship I only see the father once a month, maybe not even that. Although technically  I am not a single Mum, I am a single parent most of the time because I'm the one who looks after the children 24/7.'' Anonymous - M.O.M.

Getting time to yourself is very hard, especially when you've got two kids to look after and you're doing it on your own. I guess you don't really have to be on your own; you can have a man/woman that works long hours and you could work too. These are a few tips and tricks that we have found which are very useful.

Making Free Time In The Morning
Making free time in the morning is a great idea because a lot of people think that you should have the free time at night, but in fact it can have a knock-on effect making, you tired in the morning. Therefore I think this technique of switching to the morning really works and can challenge negative attitudes towards the early hours.

Making Free Time In The Evening
Set a couple of hours aside for quiet activities, such as reading a book, doing an art project, catching up with friends on social media or simply watching TV (quietly!). This is like a daily pat on the back for your hard day's work - yes I am counting looking after your own children as hard work, it really can be sometimes!

This works if your kids have a bedtime routine and a set time that they physically get into bed and (try to) sleep. It generally only works if you know they are guaranteed to give you at least 7-8 hours a night and usually sleep through. This is not recommended unless you know for sure that the next night (or tomorrow in the daytime) you can catch up on sleep if you miss out. 

Pamper Yourself Once A Week
I know not many people get to you look after themselves the minute they have had a child but finding just 5 minutes to yourself to paint your nails or to do something with your hair really makes a difference to your view of yourself and makes you feel a little bit more confident.

Become a 'Foody'
Enjoy your meal, even if it's just for that first mouth-watering bite. You may experience a number of distracting tactics children love to use - screaming, excited squealing, pulling on your clothes, asking 'why' every few minutes..... But do try to savour as much of your meals as possible. If you made it from scratch (or even put it in the oven or microwave) you can congratulate yourself and take a few seconds to take in the taste, aroma and comforting warmth of your food. This is incredibly refreshing and can also help you de-stress (no one has to know about your secret meditation!)

Use Every Spare Second
Even for a few minutes, doing an activity you enjoy such as listening to a favourite song, or watching one episode of a TV program can revitalise you in an instant. Making those minutes count -when your baby or young child is napping in the day- can make a massive difference to your level of motivation. This could be just what you needed to feel up to tackling the housework! You might want to go out, but not feel up to it - just do something, anything, which is quick and easy and is guaranteed to make you feel good. After that you will look better and be ready for that date with your friend - a smile brightens up your face any day!

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