Saturday 25 June 2016

The Blackout realisation

Going through a whole day with no power and with two kids. I have the realisation that how much rely on technology today. I felt like I didn't really know what to do because everything go do, I use electricity for. I could not use the Hoover the kids cant  watch TV. I can't even have warm water. The coping of mechanism of letting my children watch tv so i couls have a break and to clean the house was gone. Realising how my ancestors would have had to live, and how much they would have had to do. I sat down and plays with my children but when it came to cleaning I literally felt like it made everything 10 times harder. I love the fact that there is no phones and no one got distracted by other devices. Make me realise how much do we use our devices and how much do we need to use a devices and only because we've got them that doesn't mean we have to use them all the time.

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