Friday 10 June 2016

Hot Topic of The Day - Taking a Cheating Partner Back (Source: Disney)

Loose women clips about whether people should stay with their partners when they have been unfaithful. When does it make you weak or strong whichever you decide.

 To Judge?
I find it difficult to come to terms with the fact that the society judges you on whatever you do. But if your partner has been unfaithful to you surely that's just between you and him!? Why do people have the audacity to comment on someone else's situation and what they have chosen to do when they're probably not perfect themselves!? Whatever their decision, it doesn't determine whether they are a weak or strong person. 

Getting Back Together
If you have a friend that goes for it you should support them whatever they choose and not be judgemental. Even though this has never happened to me personally I think it's very important to make sure that if your friends have gone through it you are very supportive towards them and consider their feelings, trying not to be so judgemental, as this will only make them feel worse. 

How about if it was the other way round: if the woman cheated on the man, should he take her back? 
For some reason society believes that woman should be more selective than men about who they allow into their beds. In the Western world, if a man were to sleep with several women he would most likely be congratulated, whereas a woman doing the same thing would be instantly judged and ridiculed. 

Mums: If my partner were to cheat on me we would be having some serious conversations. I am talking sexual cheating, not just flirting or a peck on the mouth. Personally, I find emotional negligence much worse than physical - if he cared more for someone else more than he did for me it would hurt far worse than if he did something physical with someone else. 
However, the first thing I would want would be a break. We would have to decide if it's worth continuing the relationship and I'd want to ask what he feels he can get from other women which I am not giving him. In an ideal world we would work out how to fix our broken relationship, but trust is not an instant thing - it has to be earned over time.

Mars: In my personal opinion I don't think I would be able to to forgive my partner. And if I did it would take me a very long time to. I guess that's just me being honest - it takes me a long time to trust somebody and I admit that I hold grudges. 

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