Monday 20 June 2016

10 things that will help you deal with curly hair

I have very curly hair myself and I think it's very hard to deal with thick curly hair on adults and children.

Here are some of my tips about how I deal with my hair.
  1. Don't wash your hair too much and if you need to because of the Summer Time make sure you always put conditioner and then we all after you do so this will help your curls staying nice and hydrated.
  2. My flyaways drive me mad I have found his a bit of coconut oil on your fingers and put it in your roots so when you do a braid or when you have your hair down they don't seem to go everywhere.
  3. Always if you're going to die your hair condition your hair before and after you've died at this seems to help my hair so much and I don't seem to make it as dry as if I didn't do this. And I wash my hair with conditioner no shampoo for a week after and it makes my hair so shiny.
  4. Try not to straighten your hair all the time this really damages your clothes and when you want to wear it curly because I just not that nice and it can go really frizzy.
  5. Braid your hair at night this help your hair knot up and it can look really cool and wavy in the morning.
  6. If you want to brush your hair in the morning put a bit of conditioner and coconut oil with water in a spray bottle this will keep your hair nice and shiny and knot free.
  7. If you know it's going to be a rainy day in day make sure you wash your eyes your hair in the morning I mean a lot. I find the drip rain dried my hair out and if I do not wash your eyes it in the morning it goes really horrible and dry.
  8. Make sure you look after your scalp. I massage my hair with a little bit of coconut oil and sometimes just normal oil if I don't have coconut oil. It helps my roots to not get too dry.
  9. I do not blow dry my hair I think it makes my hair frizzy and my curls do not look curly. It dries them out and I'm just left with a frizzy Mess.
  10. Be careful what happened to you and make sure they don't have the little metal bit on them because I find that ripped out my hair.
I hope this list help you. Natural curls are beautiful and they don't need to be straightened. Enjoy what you've been born with and thanks for reading.

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