Thursday 16 June 2016

Spending Time With Your Baby: Health Benefits

Spending time with your kids can be stressful, frustrating and downright demanding at times!

But this is all washed down the drain for that one moment when they say "Daddy!" "Mummy!" and amazing things happen, like when they learn to sit up, feed themselves and are taking their first steps. 

There are so many great benefits for you and your baby when spending quality time together. 

Although most are covered, here are a few extras we thought of:
  •  Can help mental health
  •  Relieves worries
  •  Creates a 'calm time' in which you can relax with your baby
  •  Can be therapeutic - you can be a big kid and not have to worry about adult life for a moment
  •  They may teach you new things - you may not have ever noticed that insect on the pretty flower, but your child has
  •  Builds confidence in your child
  •  Can create friendships with other parents (e.g. play dates)
  •  Helps you see the world from a non-judgemental perspective (through fresh eyes)
  •  Could help you learn - it is easiest to start with kid's books, for example, for someone who is dyslexic - you can learn with your child
  • Helps them learn to share

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