Tuesday 7 June 2016

Hot topic of the day - Working Benefit Mum (Source: This Morning)

This clip was about a mum who works 16 hours a week and had 12 kids, she avoids the benefit cap by working. The benefit cap means that she can get over 500 pounds a week from the government. Some people are outraged at the fact that she has so many kids and she's sponging off the government. This is not the first time this has happened but the only thing that's different is the fact that she is working.

Should she still be capped even though she's working?
I can understand why people think that she should and I understand why people who work 40 hours a week and don't get as much money she does are outraged. In my personal opinion I do not think that she should be cab so much I just think that she should think about quality of the children's life before anything and it should not be a selfish decision to get more money.

But who are we really punishing, the mum or the child?
It's not going towards the mother it's going towards a child to make sure the child has the best life possible, what is her selfish decision should not affect the child's future. Many people would disagree with me on this and say that she should not be given the money but few think about the poor children that are involved in this.

Should she be sterilised?
In my personal opinion I think this is a distressing idea the fact that they think you have rights over to another human body. So I don't think she should be sterilised.

Some people think she's just having kids to get more benefits
A lot of people think someone had loads of kids to stay on benefits but in reality looking after kids isn't easy when you're doing it on your own. She's started to have children when she was in a relationship but still didn't stop her wanting more. I think she should probably focus on the kids that she's got and make sure they can I have the best life possible.

 Does this give people the right to label her as a bad mum?
There going to be someone judging you no matter what you do as a Mum, we can't do wrong for doing right. If she wasn't working there would soon be complaining that she wasn't working and she's lazy. If she was working full-time they would be complaining that she is spending too much time at work and not spending time with her children. It's impossible to win in this society. The sad thing is for Mums we are branded as selfish, lazy or heartless.

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