Monday 27 June 2016

Hot Topic of the day- Stacey Solomon anxiety ( loose women)

This video is talking about how people having children later in life and the fact that this one woman would be a pensioner before her daughter would leave school. Say Stacey Solomon then talks about how she feels about dying specially when she is a single parent.
When I first watch this clip. I don't know that I have the same anxiety as she does and it's nice to know someone who's a celebrity can feel the same things that I can.

 I am the main carer of my children and I do not live with my partner. My worries who will look after my children. How would my children cope in a new environment. My children are my everything and I find it very hard to think that I would put them in any harm, even if that would be me having an early grave. We have it built into ourselves to protect our children.
I feel like my anxiety has become an obsession with making sure I'm eating the right things. I don't drink, I don't smoke, I don't take drugs, I don't drink coffee, I don't drink tea and I try not to take paracetamol into I really need it. I feel like this is starting to ruin my life, in the fact I Can't Help But read something that may give you cancer even though there's no truth behind it, I will still probably avoid those foods.

Something I overly think about it why is anxiety morning is there more anxious people always our anxiety always there?
Love to hear your thoughts

Day out with my active learner

My child is a very active child. My child finds it hard to sit down for a long period of time. When I've tried to teaching staff sitting down in our living room and go over his numbers over and over again. I was wondering why he wasn't getting it, until my health visitor told me that he's probably active learner. This has helped me a lot in understanding how his mind works and how I can help him.

My son pushing my daughter on the swing. He kept asking her if she was okay and if she wanted to get down.

What is an active learner?
An active learner is when a child has to do an activity or be physically involved with an activity he/she is doing.
They will do something, review it, learn from it and then apply it in the next time they will do it.

My son finds it very hard to learn in a classroom-like setting, so I help him by taking him out and teaching him that way.

My son playing with a board game (that I bought from the charity shop for 95p) while my daughter watches.

Because it's in a different setting my son is able to relax and run to the box when he has got the pair. This activity is made more physical and therefore it helps him learn understand what he is doing.

Sunday 26 June 2016

Freedom with clothes

Most days I let my children choose their own clothes not just to stop argument but to let them have their say in what they going to wear. They are not my little dolly that I will dress up. They have their own thoughts and feelings. They are at a stage when they know what they want. The only thing I do not let them do is wear something that isn't weather appropriate but other than that they are allowed to express themselves through their clothing.
My little children with odd socks.

I think it's very hard for them to be able to express themself. And as we Express ourselves through clothing I think it's only right that children get to do so too.

What's your thoughts and feelings on dressing your children up? And you give your children choice of what they get to wear?

Saturday 25 June 2016

The unbreakable bond of sibling hood

 Little bubble around them that protects one another.
My children's hands nearly always hold hands when they are in the buggy.

Having two children has showed me the bond of siblinghood and as a child you were just so kind and protective of your family members. My children will try never let anyone else get between them and they're very stuck to each other.

My children prefer to sleep together in their own beds, will frequently hug each other and asked how the other is doing. I don't know if this is down to my parenting or this is just in my character to do it. Don't get me wrong they do you sometimes fight but  most of the time they are very happy and content with the each other's company.

Do your children do this?

Relaxation with a toddler.

Before I had kids I thought having kids and doing things like taking them to the spa and stuff was a bit pointless, more for me than that. I started realising when I had my daughter that she started to enjoy the stuff I enjoy. He was very interested  with makeup and loved all the other girl each.
Me and my daughter.

The questions I ask myself is why did I think it was wrong to let my child have her nails painted. I think I saw a lot of women were trying to grow their children up too fast and I didn't want to do that to my own.
My 2 year old daughter has her nails painted on nearly all weekly basis now, a lot of people would tell me that this is wrong and I should not be doing it. My child does not put hands in her mouth and she always wait for it to dry. I just think it's a little moment that me and her can enjoy together. If I don't do it will try to do it herself anyway.

What do you think should we let our children have their nails painted?

The Blackout realisation

Going through a whole day with no power and with two kids. I have the realisation that how much rely on technology today. I felt like I didn't really know what to do because everything go do, I use electricity for. I could not use the Hoover the kids cant  watch TV. I can't even have warm water. The coping of mechanism of letting my children watch tv so i couls have a break and to clean the house was gone. Realising how my ancestors would have had to live, and how much they would have had to do. I sat down and plays with my children but when it came to cleaning I literally felt like it made everything 10 times harder. I love the fact that there is no phones and no one got distracted by other devices. Make me realise how much do we use our devices and how much do we need to use a devices and only because we've got them that doesn't mean we have to use them all the time.

Wednesday 22 June 2016

Budgeting and Bargain Hunting: How to save money on kids clothing

As our children grow very fast you can feel like you're forever buying clothing and it can start to add up. These are the tips and tricks I used to save a little bit of money on children's clothing.

  • Charity shop; lots of people don't realise that going into charity shops regularly saves you little bit of money on your kids clothing and long as they have the clothing they need in the shop. I even like to buy bigger sizes because I know they're going to fit in those clothes in one day.
  • Buy in sales; my favourite place to buy sales items is actually in supermarket - they're a lot cheaper. I have bought a pack of kids t-shirts for only 40p before.
  • Ask your friends; a lot of the time people give away clothes for free because they just want to get rid of them. Even if you don't like some of the clothes it's still worth taking all of them just so you have backup outfits, and then if you still don't want them you can give the rest of the charity shop.
  • Nearly new sales; nearly new sales or a brilliant way to get bargains but they are mainly for younger children and babies.
  • Clothes sway; this is when you bring your babies clothing and swap it with the next size.
  • Social media; there a lot of social media that have selling sites in your area. And also you can ask for anything that you may need in in hopes that someone else might be selling it.
  • Selling sites on the web; there a lot of selling sites on the Internet that you can use q-ask the clothing or there might already be from closing on there.
  • Car boots; if you have the time to go to car boot they were having a look at the clothing, I'm grabbing yourself bargains.
  • Buy Out of Season; buying clothes out of season is a good way of saving money because they are normally on sale or a lot cheaper because they're not on high but high demand.

These are my tips and tricks if you have any of your own leave them in the comments below.

The Organisation of Decluttering

As it is summer you like your house nice and spacious and there's a lot of things in your house that you don't actually need. Time to go through and see what bits that we have forgotten. These are my useful tips and tricks I used to declutter my home.

Things to remember:
  • box by box but don't focus on a room by room, this will become overwhelming and you are more likely not to get the job done I quit before you have even started. 
  •  If you didn't realise you had it, you probably don't need it. Make sure you only keep the things you really need because otherwise all this other stuff is going to waste. 
  •  Don't be worried if it takes quite a long time to declutter everything you don't have to do it in a day. Most of us do not have time to do this anyway.
  • To make it easier make sure you declutter your house every 3 months. This will help you not to have build up in your home.

You will need 4 Different Boxes:
  • Rubbish
  • Charity Shop
  • To Sell 
  • Re-Homing

  1. I like to start with putting some music on or a program on so I don't get bored. I choose which drawers I want and normally go left to right in every room.
  2. I like to tip the whole draw or cupboards out so I have an empty place to put all the things back in.
  1. Washing down the drawer cupboard so it's nice and clean. If you need to hoover it, now is the time.
  2. When my drawer is clean, I will start sorting through what I'm going to keep in the drawer. 
  1. When I put everything back in the drawer I will then start sorting through this stuff that is still left out. 
  2. Things I have no use anymore I will put in the rubbish box.
  3. Things that you don't really get much money for selling put in the charity box.
  4. Things that are worth a bit of money put in the sell box.
  5. Things that you want to keep but you don't want to put in the drawer put in the re-home box.
  1.  On a day you have time to spare, or are going into town, take the Charity box with you and donate unwanted items
  2.  Post pictures on Facebook selling sites (and other places like Preloved the website), add a price and whether you want the item collected or if you can deliver it to your buyer.
  3.  Ask your friends if they want any of the Re-Home items - you could use especially nice things as little presents! (If they don't want things, you can upcycle them doing art projects or give them to charity.)
  4.  Everything else, you can bin from the Rubbish Box

I hope this has helped you out. Easy things that I have found most useful to do and how to do it quick and easy when the kids are around. Thank you for Reading.

Why Does Passion Fade? - Bustle

Hot Topic of The Day - Sex and Great Britain (Source: Huffpost Women UK)

Zara Holland is twenty years old and held the title of Miss Great Britain up until a couple of days ago when she had sex on the reality show Love Island and had her title swiftly removed. As much as this angered me, I’m quite glad it’s happened as it’s given us all a crystal clear reflection of the shitty message society gives women.
Personally, I think it’s really gross for anyone to have sex on tv. I also think these shows are full of attention seeking airheads and I’d rather Netflix and chill (in the literal sense) than watch a bunch of shallow drama queens create sexual tension on a beach. Rant over. However, I think we have a very serious issue in society regarding women and sex, and this story has thankfully drawn attention to it and started a conversation. The organisation’s reaction is exactly what I’d expect from an outdated, traditional, sexist beauty pageant. But that doesn’t offset the fucked up gender inequality it’s propelling. 
Zara Holland was awarded the title for being sexy and desirable. Yet she is now being scolded for having sex, the result of being sexy and desirable. Anyone else picking up on the hypocrisy here? Society tells women to be sexy ALL THE TIME. Literally from first thing in the morning when we pop on the radio or watch the morning news, we will inadvertently be told to be sexy. Perhaps an ad for the latest razor to achieve silky smooth legs, a new mascara for ‘triple the length lashes’ or a breakfast cereal promising to eradicate a few pounds from our tummies. *Note that we no longer want to lose weight from our asses as having a big bum is now the aim. But before you get pizza happy, that round, toned bum must perch below a minuscule waist and slim legs. Get it? Got it? Good. 
We are told to be sexy, be attractive, be desirable for men. But sex is for them, not you. We’re told to spend hours every day making ourselves more attractive so that dudes want to sleep with us, but if we do actually sleep with them then, oh, well we’re sluts and must have no self respect. We are told to do everything we can to get men to desire us but are banned from showing that same desire ourselves. I think society is deeply uncomfortable and scared of female sexuality. What riles me is the fact that the Miss Great Britain Organisation have assumed ownership over this single woman’s sexuality, as if it’s their property. 

They have undertaken the right to decide when she can and cannot be sexy. It’s 2016 man (woman?) this is crazy! Just let us own our sexuality and choose what to do with it sans judgement, like men have been doing since the beginning of time. The man involved in this televised tryst, Alex Bowen, got off scot free (obvs). Other contestants referred to Zara as a ‘slut’ and said they were ‘disappointed she’s stooped this low’, all the while Alex was receiving congratulatory pats on the back. What a disturbing message to be broadcast across the country.
The average British woman spends £140,000 on hair and beauty products throughout her lifetime. That’s a lot of money to spend on drawing male attention only to then be punished and frowned upon for enjoying the result of it. Meanwhile, men are sauntering around town unshaven, wearing fucking combat shorts and crocs, getting laid on the regular and receiving a high five every time. 
So can we please establish that sex is not just for men. Let’s put an end to shaming women for pursuing or enjoying it. Oh, and let’s also try to put an end to the combat shorts and crocs combo. I mean, we wear thongs up our asses every day, so come on guys, it’s the least you can do.

Thoughts on The Hands on Dad

What is a hands on dad?
A hands on dad is someone that is a dad who takes responsibility for a child, in stuff that normally a woman would do like change their nappy get up in the middle of the night and would be happy being left alone With The Child.

Should dads ever be in delivery rooms?
Is up to every individual couple if they want the dad in the delivery room. Is not always the dad's that don't want to be in the delivery room some sometimes mum's don't want them to be in the delivery room.

Personally I think it's very important for the bonding process between the parents and the baby and I think it's a good idea.

Can women be too controlling around newborn baby and don't let the father have a say?
I think sometimes it is the case when and dad might want to be more involved than his partner May to let him and also some dad to do not want to be involved in the happy for their partners a while to take over.

Final thoughts
Odeon today is up to the couple choosing whether he would like to be a hands-on dad and if he wants you to be. Personally I just think a hands-on dad is a dad and I think I should step up more and change society's view on what a mum and dad is. We should all pitch with looking after the kids and not just leave it up to the Mum to do. And I hate for my son's generation it just comes along for them to look more after the kids and being more hands on. I think we should strive for equality within raising their children.

Tuesday 21 June 2016

Parenting: I would Happily Swap Roles With You

The other day, we came across a sales assistant in Cambridge who stated "Wouldn't it be great if the men could stay at home and the women work!" The thing is, we can! It is sad that society still views the woman in the relationship as the home-maker and child-carer. Although a mother's bond with  her children is unique, so is a father's. Whilst men are happy to achieve equal rights to mothers in the courtroom, at home the same old story is playing out, with the same archaic logic.

Women are suited to the home life. Why should they want anything more? They've got it easy, right? I would love to stay at home all day - say men. The great thing is - they CAN! But the choice is not not, that is their choice and it may be justified, though it is not a reason to belittle women who want to start or go back to work. We have our own lives outside of the home and there is nothing wrong with being ambitious, and remaining so after having a child.

To the guy who thinks that he has it hard I would just like to say to there daddy  I am not your slave. I have just spent my day cleaning the house in order of your potty training daughter to them poop all over my rug after it takes half an hour to clean that up, your son decides to spill his chocolate flavoured sticky milk all over the floor. Thinking the mess is all done. 

What's that saying again? Oh yeah, 'a mothers work is never done'. Both my children think it's completely hilarious to pull the curtains down and break the pole in half. When people say looking after kids is not work you're right, it's 10 times harder. At the end of the day at least you get to go home and relax. I haven't even finish my shift sometimes not until 2 and I still need to wake up at 5. When you turn around and say I do not work,  just remember if you want to swap roles I'm up for it.

Monday 20 June 2016

Day Out In The Rain

For some reason my children absolutely loves going out when it's raining.

Luckily it still warm when it's raining so they shouldn't get any cold. My kids find it so fun to get on there rain onesies and wellies and go out and splash in the puddles. I think as a parent we should be happy letting our children go out and have fun. The rain isn't going to hurt them and it's a fun activity for all the family. Obviously I don't let them out too long. It shows that you can go out in all weather. We had the funniest day today and I definitely would love for them to do it again. This activity has more than out and now they're nice and sound asleep in bed.

10 things that will help you deal with curly hair

I have very curly hair myself and I think it's very hard to deal with thick curly hair on adults and children.

Here are some of my tips about how I deal with my hair.
  1. Don't wash your hair too much and if you need to because of the Summer Time make sure you always put conditioner and then we all after you do so this will help your curls staying nice and hydrated.
  2. My flyaways drive me mad I have found his a bit of coconut oil on your fingers and put it in your roots so when you do a braid or when you have your hair down they don't seem to go everywhere.
  3. Always if you're going to die your hair condition your hair before and after you've died at this seems to help my hair so much and I don't seem to make it as dry as if I didn't do this. And I wash my hair with conditioner no shampoo for a week after and it makes my hair so shiny.
  4. Try not to straighten your hair all the time this really damages your clothes and when you want to wear it curly because I just not that nice and it can go really frizzy.
  5. Braid your hair at night this help your hair knot up and it can look really cool and wavy in the morning.
  6. If you want to brush your hair in the morning put a bit of conditioner and coconut oil with water in a spray bottle this will keep your hair nice and shiny and knot free.
  7. If you know it's going to be a rainy day in day make sure you wash your eyes your hair in the morning I mean a lot. I find the drip rain dried my hair out and if I do not wash your eyes it in the morning it goes really horrible and dry.
  8. Make sure you look after your scalp. I massage my hair with a little bit of coconut oil and sometimes just normal oil if I don't have coconut oil. It helps my roots to not get too dry.
  9. I do not blow dry my hair I think it makes my hair frizzy and my curls do not look curly. It dries them out and I'm just left with a frizzy Mess.
  10. Be careful what happened to you and make sure they don't have the little metal bit on them because I find that ripped out my hair.
I hope this list help you. Natural curls are beautiful and they don't need to be straightened. Enjoy what you've been born with and thanks for reading.

Hot Topic of the Day- Anxiety (Nadiya Hussain) (Source: Loose women)

On Loose Women they were asking "has anxiety ruined your life?"  Nadiya was telling her experience and what happened to her. She goes on to talk about how she suffered with anxiety since she was 7 and how it started when she was getting bullied in school.

I really enjoyed another woman talking about the anxiety that a lot of people go through on a day-to-day basis and talking like it's normal. As a person that suffers with anxiety on a day to day basis, someone else talking about it somehow makes me feel a lot better in myself and feeling when I was younger it wasn't just me being awkward there was a reason behind it. This woman is a lovely women and it's sad to hear that even people who are so nice and kind of Wight her still experience the horrible realities of anxiety being bullied at school and she's turned out so well from that.

The awareness of anxiety is getting stronger and stronger these days and hopefully for my kids generation will be able to pick it up and help you for a lot better earlier on so people don't have to go through the horrible burden of anxiety.

This woman should be in an inspiration to people who have anxiety and being bullied, teaching us that you can make something of your life and you're not so useless (as the bullies would like you to believe).

Penis Enlargements - Are They The New Boob Job?

Many guys are deciding to go under the knife, to simply just get a bigger penis. This is a growing trend seen across the Western world, just as breast enlargements have become more popular it looks as if this is going to follow suit.

Does Size Matter?

Mums: Most men believe that size is everything - to impress a woman you need the body and the right erm, 'tools'. Whilst a great physique is always a plus, I would not say that size is everything. Shape, width, length - there are so many variables that there is no be all and end all in the phallic world. The same can be said for women - we are all built differently and no woman will be satisfied the same way another may be.

I would say that most women want a man who can satisfy her non-sexually as well as sexually. To me, it is more important that I have a positive emotional relationship with my partner than an amazing sex life.

"It's not what you have but how you use it" - How True is This Really?

I would definitely agree with this statement, having had a fair few 'encounters' in my lifetime, it is true that technique is everything. However, if a guy is relatively small, say under 5" I would say this affects his performance in the bedroom, as well as having an impact on satisfaction (going both ways). That said, there are so many different things you can try in bed - you don't have to do the same old thing and sex is usually not that straight forward anyway. Some people like toys, others like roleplay, a few like being tied up and even being spanked or whipped! 

What About Women?
Women rarely have perfect, perky and even boobs so why should men be expected to have the perfect penis? As long as you are both happy with the experience, I don't think others have a right to judge going by size alone. 

In fact, we are so imperfect that more celebrities are opting for boob jobs, generally speaking to enlarge them. My busy is slightly oversized at the moment, and my boobs have suffered from starting and stopping breastfeeding so I would actually prefer a reduction if I was going to have anything done. I can see why some women would want a procedure, but I feel that with the right diet and lifestyle we can all have beautiful bodies - each individual is unique and in an ideal world should love themselves just as they are!

Friday 17 June 2016

Hot Topic of The Day: The EU Referendum (Source: Post Share on Facebook)

This post was created by Lisa Maxwell, and has been shared over 2,000 on Facebook! What a great argument - well worth a read!
15 June ·
As a busy working mum of two young children, I've never really had the time to keep up with Politics! So I admit it has taken some effort to get my head round both sides of the most topical argument of our time: Whether Britain should Leave or Remain in the EU.

Whilst taking in both sides of the argument, I have come to feel many things. Frustration at so many misleading statements! Anger around the lack of visibility of the voice of certain leaders like the head of the Labour party! But most of all, SADNESS… that a great injustice is being done as many people don’t know what they are voting for because they have been misled by statements that pull on their hearts and emotions.

I thought I’d post my perspective, as a mum who's thinking about her children and their future, pulling on points I have discovered from others. I hope this will be helpful to others who may still be "on the fence".

Let me start with a list of high profile figures and institutions on each side. Some may surprise you!


  1. Former British Prime Ministers Gordon Brown, Tony Blair and John Major (1 – see Sources below)
  2. The Labour party (2)
  3. Every other major UK political party leader including Nicola Sturgeon (3)
  4. Barack Obama (4)
  5. Hillary Clinton (5)
  6. Angela Merkel (6)
  7. Stephen Hawking and 83% of scientists (7)
  8. Sir Richard Branson (8)
  9. 40 religious leaders (9)
  10. 300 leading historians (10)
  11. The Trades Union Congress and our six largest trades unions (11)
  12. 88% of economists (12)
  13. The National Farmers Union (13)
  14. The Bank of England (14)
  15. The Chief Executive of NHS England (15)
  16. The Royal College of Midwives (16)
  17. Multiple businesses including Ford Motor Company (17) and Rolls Royce (18)


  1. The Sun Newspaper
  2. The BNP
  3. The UKIP Party
  4. Nigel Farage
  5. Boris Johnson
  6. Michael Gove
  7. Donald Trump

What has become majorly apparent to me, has been the overwhelming consensus among leaders and experts of all kinds that Britain is stronger in Europe. Just look at that list. Look at it!

So, why then, are so many British people thinking differently to that Remain list, according to the current polls? My observation is that these are the three most common lines people are being fed, and are believing:

Line Number 1: “We shouldn’t be governed by unelected bureaucrats, we should decide our own laws and how we spend our own money!!”

So, I asked myself, what % of our laws are actually generated by the EU versus our own country?? – can you guess? It’s actually a hard number to derive, but according to the House of Commons Library Report, it’s 7% (19). Yes, only 7%!!!
The UK manages its own Budget. Manages how it spends its income, how much to spend on Health versus Education etc… Oh, and the NHS is a British institution governed solely in the UK.

I’ve also come to appreciate that it actually makes sense to share some laws, because we all breathe in the same air, share oceans, and live on the same planet. If we come together as a region to share some common laws, say on air pollution, rather than making different laws, the results are more powerful, and more easily implemented for big businesses which operate across the region. We’re also all at risk of terrorism, we can protect ourselves more effectively if we co-operate and share intelligence across the region.

Line Number 2: “We pay £350 million a week to the EU, that’s £50 million a day, £18.8 billion a year!! If we leave, the money saved could save our NHS!!”

OK - a tough one. Because on the face of things we are talking big big numbers here! So I can see why people get angry. But this is complicated. The following points are really, really important, the above statement cannot be considered in isolation:

- Those numbers are misleading because they don’t take account of the rebate the UK gets from the EU or the spending by the EU on the UK. In 2014 following the rebate and spending in the UK from the EU, we paid £5.7 billion which equates to 0.3% of UK GDP, or £100 million per week, or £14 million a day. (20). Around 36 pence per day per person.
- The 0.3% is really important – take a look at the pie chart. It is a tiny slither of the total spending in the UK, which if saved, would make no significant difference to the spending on public services, like the NHS or Education.
- The amount the UK economy benefits from investments from EU countries is £66 million a day. (Source: Office of National Statistics).
- If we leave and save that £5.7 billion a year we pay to the EU, independent economic experts believe the economic damage to the UK will more than outweigh the savings made. It is hard to predict exactly what will happen and when (might take a couple of years to feel the effects), but independent experts predict the damage to the UK to be between £20 billion to £40 billion (20). The same report predicts that the deficit which is expected to be cleared by 2019/20, will not be cleared if Brexit happens.
- Yes we are net contributors to the EU, so we get back (directly) less than we give, but isn’t it good to help poorer countries, if it leads to raising standards across Europe and avoiding wars, which the EU has avoided in Europe since the Second World War?
- Some claim we will continue to be able to access the single market in Europe if we leave, however Germany’s finance minister has made it quite clear this won’t be the case (21). Do we really want to risk rocking the boat here?

Line Number 3: “Britain no longer feels like Britain, we’re surrounded by foreigners!!! We have a massive immigration problem!!”

The fact that people are confusing the referendum with immigration rattles me the most! A few things to bear in mind:

  • The overwhelming majority of immigration to the UK over the last 40 years has been from outside the EU (22). However you feel about the above statement, it has nothing to do with our EU membership.
  • Last year, 270,000 EU citizens immigrated to the UK, and 85,000 returned to the EU. So EU net migration was around 185,000 (23). Britain has a population of £64.6 million, the impact on our overall population just isn’t very large!
  • EU migrants contribute more in taxes than they use in public services, as they are much more likely to be of working age (“economic migrants” – who have come to Britain to work) than the general population (24).
  • Tax payments by EU migrants far outweigh welfare paid to EU migrants . They make a net contribution to the UK of £20 billion a year (25)
  • Many UK citizens choose to become immigrants in other countries; Spain, Australia, America, China, Germany, to name but a few. We like to call ourselves “ex-pats” but in fact, we are immigrants enjoying another country’s culture, it’s public services, it’s weather! We don’t see this as a problem, we see it as exciting, yet when others wish to come here, so many see it as a problem, which saddens me.

It is true than no-one knows exactly what will happen if we leave the EU, so again, I turn to the experts here….

These are the likely effects on us all if we leave the EU:
  • The pound will devalue due to uncertainty about the UK’s economic future. It’s already happening around fears of Brexit (26). Since the UK imports most of its good (you may have noticed we don’t “make” or manufacture as much in this country as we used to (!), a normal basket of goods will simply cost you more, because the Pound won’t buy as much. It would also become more expensive to take holidays abroad.
  • Falling currency leads to higher inflation, again, normal basket of goods will cost more (26).
  • Panic selling of the weakening Pound may force the Bank of England to raise interest rates, so your mortgage payments will go up (26).
  • Unemployment will rise: a study commissioned by the Confederation of British Industry (CBI) has warned that leaving the EU could cost the British economy 950,000 jobs (27).
  • If you own a property in Europe, you will lose the tax perks of being an EU Citizen. France, for example, is notoriously tough on non-EU citizens, imposing a capital-gains tax of 49%, made up of its “impôt sur les plus values” and an added social charge. This compares to EU Citizens, who pay 19% on gains from renting or selling properties in France (28).

The question is, are you willing to risk all of the above happening? Are you willing to ignore all of those listed above in the Remain list?

I will finish on one of the quotes of the founding fathers of the EU, Sir Winston Churchill, addressing the Congress of Europe in 1948:

“A high and a solemn responsibility rests upon us here ... If we allow ourselves to be rent and disordered by pettiness and small disputes, if we fail in clarity of view or courage in action, a priceless occasion may be cast away for ever. But if we all pull together and pool the luck and the comradeship - and we shall need all the comradeship and not a little luck … then all the little children who are now growing up in this tormented world may find themselves not the victors nor the vanquished in the fleeting triumphs of one country over another in the bloody turmoil of … war, but the heirs of all the treasures of the past and the masters of all the science, the abundance and the glories of the future.”

And - against all the odds, we did it, we achieved Churchill’s vision for Europe.

Those “little children” are now retired – the first generation in a thousand years to grow up without the horror of war in Europe, enjoying a standard of living unimaginable in 1948.

All the cities, art, history, people, food and culture of this wonderful continent are open to us whenever we want to visit, to live or to work.  
Hundreds of millions of European people who until only a few decades ago were ruled by dictators or communists now enjoy democracy, human rights, the rule of law and the abundance of the free market.

I think that’s worth 36 pence a day.

Let’s not live in isolation. Let’s not cut ties with Europe. Let’s drive reform from within. We are stronger together!



(1); Tony Blair; John Major
(2) Jeremy Corbyn (Labour)
(3) Tim Farron (Lib Dem) Caroline Lucas (Green) Nicola Sturgeon (SNP)
(4) Barack Obama
(5) Hillary Clinton
(6) Angela Merkel;
(7) ;

Cheap shorts for children

In summer we have to go out and buy our kids more clothes, is one of my top tips saving a bit of money.
My Son has a small waist but always seems to grow out of his trousers lengthwise and when he does I make sure I turn them into shorts for the summer.

You will need

  • a pair of jeans or trousers you can even do this with pyjamas bottoms
  • A pair of scissors 
  • A ruler
  • Chalk or a pen if you do not have ta Chalk
  • Fabric tape or sewing needle and thread
  • An iron and ironing board you don't have an iron board you can always iron on a towel

  1. First start with I'm in the dreams out first to make sure there's no creases when you start to cut.
  2. Then get your ruler and Mark with chalk where you'd want a cut to be. I normally do it just above the knee. Make sure you're giving a centimetre or two so you can roll it up with the fabric tape.
  3. Cut on the line of the chalk or pen, making sure both of them are even
  4. After you have cut it out then put your fabric tape where you rolled up the end of the trousers and iron. If you don't have fabric tape or needle and thread you can always just cut them and sometimes they can look really cool like that.
Nice cheap way to reuse what you already have and not to make buying shorts and some expensive. You can also do this with tops cut of their sleeves.

Should we share with our children?

We're going to discuss in whether we should have children in our beds. There's a lot of different research to support each point of view. Knowing whether it is ever right are all wrong?

Co sharing mother's

Benefits of sharing a bed with your child:

  •  You're right there if your child gets scared
  • Co share children  become independent quicker
  • Children that are in the same bed or bedroom as the mother or father are more 
  • likely to sleep in longer.
  • Can help your child regulate their temperature and help them to remember  to breathe
  • Is co sharing properly it can lower the risk of sudden death syndrome.
How long should we share?
This is up to the parents to whether they feel like they want to move a child into their own bed or own room. Many parents would do it when they are ready, and it would differ on different child

Does it depend on the child?
Every child is different and some children prefer to be in their own beds and others have comfort in sleeping being in the same room as their parents.
Is it a maternal Instinct?
Is there any risks?

Are you just letting your child rule the
This statement is totally false, children who are co sharing with their parents I'm not more likely to be rule the roost.

Non Co sharing  mums?

Benefits of not sharing a bed with your child:

  • The parents can have alone time.
  • It's easy to get a babysitter when you want to go out.
  • People on all crammed in one bed

When should you put your child in their own room if not in their own room from birth?
There is no right or wrong way when to put your child in their own better in their own room. A lot of Midwives will tell you when the newborn to put them in their own beds, the nobody rolls over their children.

Does it depend on the child?
Putting a child into their own bed or into the room depends on the child because some children get too scared in their own room, I need a little bit of comfort.

It is safer?
The debate about is it really safer to not co sharing with your child, invoice will depend on who you talk to and their opinions on it. I think the parents should make the right decision depending on your child.

Are you doing too strict with your child?
This is completely false there is no correlation between parents that put their kids in their own beds and the strictness of them.

Our thoughts and opinions:
My personal opinion is the fact that we should stop judging parents if they co share or not and hopefully every parent would have what's the best for the child in mind.

What we have trains today and personal stories.

Mars: with my first I started off putting him in Moses basket, and then he became very busy and I felt the Moses Basket was not suitable and then he started coming into my bed. Who is the owner of a my bad until he was 11 months, I put him in his own bed need a room. There was always another bed in his room just in case he got a bit upset so I could stay in the room with him.
With my second she went straight to co sharing with me and it was the best decision I made. Learn a little bit older they both sleep in my bed or I'll sleep in their room, most of the time they will sleep in their own bed and I sleep and mine. I personally think when they have just come out the womb a little bit mean to put them in their own caught in their own room. I got a life sleepless nights having my babies in with me then I did when they were not in with me.

If you decide to co share with your baby:

  • Make sure you are not under the influence of alcohol or drugs
  • If one of you are a really deep sleeper you should probably get a side cot that attaches to your bed
  • Make sure you don't put your duvet over your child and they have their own blanket
  • Never put your child nearly end you at end of the bed
  • When your charges at the state of Rolling or crawling need to make sure the safety things around your room or a stair gate on the door.

Thursday 16 June 2016

Hot Topic of the day- Fathers Getting equal rights (Tim Lovejoy on Loose Women)

 We here at M.O.M. think that men getting more rights to their children is a positive development. After all, children do carry half their Dad's genes as well as their Mum's. Men need to be recognised as parents with equal rights to mothers. We feel this is especially important now, when there are incredibly sad news stories of mothers beating and killing their own children - if Dads were awarded equal rights in the courtroom and the mother was not a priority overtaking him, then maybe vulnerable lives could have been saved...

Hot Topic of The Day: Orlando Nightclub Shooting (Source: 10am News)

At a gay club (attracting men and women) 'Pulse' in Orlando, Florida, an extremist man, claiming he did the act supporting ISIS shot and killed 50 people, with many others hospitalised with injuries. The death toll is thought to rise.  Being called the worst mass shooting in US history, this act was committed in the Muslim holy month of Ramadan.

In 2014 the assailant was investigated by the FBI, after a coworker reported him for making inflammatory comments. Having interviewed him twice didn't believe he was a threat the investigation was closed. An assault rifle and hand gun were used in the attack. Dozens of hostages within the club were held. Police shot and killed the man. Victims of the violence are still being identified, and families are searching nearby hospitals for their loved ones. 

As not enough information has been gathered to release all the names, some parents are in despair, one woman saying "No one can tell me where my son is".

All the victims were relatively young, ranging from early 20s to mid 30s. The youngest known victim was 20 years old. So far, 20-30 victims have been named.

The man barricaded himself in the bathroom and told officers he had explosives. Claims he was inspired in the Islamic terrorist group.

President Obama stated "He killed dozens of innocent people in an act of terror and an act of hate"

The assailant's Father says his son had "felt anger at two men kissing", but comments that he believes it is up to God to decide how homosexuals are punished. He says he never thought his son had hate in his heart, describing him as "a very good and educated guy".

The gunman has been named as 29 year old Omaar Mateen. He heralds the Islamic state, and reports state that extremist groups support his shocking actions. He had a family; wife and child living in the USA. His son is 4 years old.

His ex wife paints a very different picture of him, saying he was an abusive partner, who used to beat her and prevent her from seeing or getting in touch with her family. She said she saw the other side to him, and he bahaved in a bi-polar way, his short temper flaring sporadically. Realising the seriousness of her predicament, her family rescued her from the volatile situation.

Many outraged gay men as well as gay Muslims have posted comments on the internet and social media. 

Morgan Adams: It was the worst mass shooting in American history. The man the that killed 50 people and injured 53 called 911 before doing so and claimed allegiance to ISIS. Although he might have had his own reasons and he might not have ever been in contact with ISIS he still claimed it as an ISIS attack. Honestly regardless of if he was a member of ISIS he enacted terror upon a specific group of people. It's a horrific hate crime and an act of terrorism upon America. I do agree that islamophobia is terrible and we cannot be so quick to judge people when less than 1% of the Muslim population is extremist, when somebody claims an attack for ISIS we have to take it seriously.

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