Friday 27 May 2016

Schooling - Home vs State/Public

The question I often ask myself is:

If we as parents are making the right decision on the schooling style for our child,why is home schooling disputed so much? Each child is an individual and has their own unique needs.


- More focus on the individual                
- Possibility of better focus in classes       
- Reduces distractions                           
- No involvement with 'the wrong crowd' 
- Intimate insight into learning for parents
- More relaxing home environment             
- Only as expensive as it is chosen to be  
- Free to dress as the child pleases         
- Uncomfortable with pressure to perform           
- No companions for confidence-building    
- Decreased likelihood of making friends    
- Could result in lack of social skills
- Low independence (not travelling to/from school)    
- Can be overbearing with few teachers
- Boredom from staying at home 
- No school trips
State Schooling (or Public Schooling)                     
- Focus off individuals                             
- Students can help each other in classes         
- Social skills developed                          
- Independence travelling to/from school   
- High friend potential                             
- Helps with organisation and timekeeping    
- Time away from home stresses                
- Uniform ignores fashion trends, making students equals                             


- Not enough individual attention from teachers
- More distractions from other students  
- Bullying potential, extremely 'cliquey' in schools
- Can have long travel times/distances 
- Involvement with 'the wrong crowd'  
- Up to year between oldest and youngest in yeargroup
- Still homework to do after school 
- Heightened anxiety if uncomfortable with crowds
- Uniform etc must be supplied by parents                                       

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