Wednesday 25 May 2016

My Zen Space: De-Stressing

Think of a flower...

Write it down - keep a notepad and pen nearby for when stress strikes

Keep a stress diary - notice what triggers your stress and write a list of helpful aversions to stress which work for you

Light a candle, incense stick or use potpourri  - this is known as aromatherapy

Have a bath - turn down the lights and focus on the warmth of the bath, easing your muscles

Go out for a walk - getting out of the house gives you a different perspective and offers the opportunity to day dream, taking your mind off your woes

Switch on Some Music - whether it's to release anger or to calm down, this always helps!

Move! - doing exercise releases endorphins, the hormone responsible for the 'feel good' factor. If the gym is not for you, do a few jumping jacks or go up and down the stairs a few times

Clean - doing household chores is another form of exercise and gives you something to focus on

Bake - this uses physical energy (for mixing) and you get a treat at the end! It could also count as aromatherapy...? 

Phone a friend

Type a ranty message - you can use Word and delete it afterwards

Scream into a pillow - it might hurt your throat, but really does take off some of the steam coming out of your ears!

Set a worry time in which you go back to your worries and if they are no longer bothering you, disregard them

Do something you enjoy

Draw - if you're not particularly artsy, just doodle or close your eyes and see what happens. Don't be hard on yourself if it doesn't come out as you wished - this is just an exercise and shouldn't be taken too seriously.

Read a good book

Watch a documentary - movies are great but you really have to focus for documentaries as you are learning. Alternatively, you can tune out ad half-watch one

Take a deep breath

Use visual imagery - think of your favourite object and focus on it (i.e. think of a flower)

Have a back massage or foot rub - Ask your other half (or a close friend)  

Buy a Head Massager - Or, failing this, give yourself a head rub

Partner's Comment: Try to do hobbies you enjoy and make time for yourself. Spend time with your child. Last but not least - have sex! It boosts endorphins.

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