Tuesday 24 May 2016

Hot Topic of The Day: Diminished Sex Life (Source: Loose Women)

Overview: In this topic, it was debated whether a diminished sex life directly related to a reduction in intimacy and loving gestures in a relationship.

Positives                                                                                            Negatives

Love                                                    No Intimacy, No Desire
Cuddles, Physical Contact                      Excuses
Compliments     ignored                        Panic and Aversion
Making Time                                        Giving a Verbal Warning
Men & Women Writing In to the Show    No Balance between body and mind
Bonding Non-Sexual                             Low Sex Drive
(building other aspects of relationship)   Distractions and The Kids
We DO Care What He Thinks                 Pressure to do it
It's NOT Abnormal                                Feelings of being the Only One
                                                          Taboo subject, not discussed
                                                          Relationship Issues created
                                                          Men: 'She doesn't fancy me any more'
                                                          Feeling Abnormal
                                                          Lack of Effort
                                                          Possibility of Losing Intimacy
                                                          Embarrassed to Discuss topic


Watch this space for our views! Updated Live!

Mums: There are so many various aspects of sex life to cover, I don't think it can all be done in one sitting or a single interview. The whole issue for me is where to draw the line; what is intimate? Is it a kiss, a hug or something more... If we cuddle does that count as being close or am I avoiding being sexual and replacing this with something within my comfort zone? The thing is, each couple is different and we all have our own unique ways of communicating, whether that is physical or spoken. Gestures speak louder than words and it is relatively easy to judge how close a couple is by how much physical contact they have.
Positives: I like the idea of holding off sex for a little while - it gives you both a breather, and for a lot of Mums this is a sensitive topic for several months, if not a year after having a mini-me. Taking the focus off sex allows a couple to develop their personal relationship. My tip would be that there are 3 things you need to have a connection in a healthy relationship. You must be comfortable on all these levels: 1. Emotional 2.Physical 3.Intellectual. By cutting out one, you strengthen the others.
Negatives: No sex can become an 'issue' and a man's ego can quickly deteriorate if it is not stroked by his partner. I'm not saying it's all down to the woman, men are perfectly confident creatures in themselves, but a little flirting and the odd compliment doesn't hurt! For me, having my daughter has really switched me off in the bedroom. It can be daunting and feel like I am supposed to and expected to remain physically intimate with my partner, when my body is still recovering from (let's face it) a pretty traumatic experience.

Mars: In my personal opinion, I think that intimacy is very important and people that don't have it may find other problems are created in their relationship. But in her case, it seems that she is happy more than I would expect her to be and she's doing it for other intimacy reasons when you think that would all be lost. My question is do other people need to not have sex and work on their intimacy before having intercourse?
Positives: The suggestion of banning sex for 6 weeks and focusing on other aspects of the relationship can make you feel that your partner is less demanding and sex becomes more of an enjoyable thing as the pressure is taken off.  
Negatives: In society, if you're not having sex then the relationship deteriorates or it is expected that the guy will look elsewhere to fulfill their needs.

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