Wednesday 25 May 2016

First Baby Group

At 1:45pm today I will be going to my first baby group.

The prospect of Mummy Friends is incredibly daunting for me; I don't get on with women in general, with most of my friends being male. In the later stages of pregnancy I realised I would have to jump out of my comfort zone and into my new life as a Mum. My main concerns were that I would become completely isolated as I moved from my hometown to a small village - everyone knew each other and I was the odd one out... A somewhat 'ugly duckling' feeling.

However, for anyone who has experienced a move after mini-me (especially stressful when they weren't planned!) I can safely tell you it only gets better from here on out.

Today I am trying to stop the isolation experienced after first moving. It's true I prefer men to women, but after going to another course (to do with Mindfulness - go to for more info) I have found there are other women of a similar mindset to me, and they really aren't all that bad! We have enjoyed tea and biscuits together on the course, and even swapped numbers and offered each other small gifts! I have received lovely wild flower seeds and have promised that the next time we meet I can supply my friend's Mummy associates with maternity clothes.

After all this, it is surprising to say that I am still anxious about going to my first actual baby group. What if they don't like me? What if everyone is a totally different age group? What if they judge me as a young mum? Will I get on with anyone? It could be weird if I ask for contact details straight away, if there is that one likable person. .. The extent of my anxiety is quite shocking, considering that I am an incredibly social person.

I guess it's like stage fright - once I get out there and it's over and done with it should be fine - I might even enjoy it!

Watch this space for the result after about 2pm UK time :)

Result: (sorry much later than planned)

It was so awkward! But that was just at first, a few people broke the ice by mentioning their baby's weights and discussing birth weight and the needs of their child (like changing clothes sizes). It was alright in the end, just as I predicted it really was enjoyable after I got chatting to another Mum. She even said she will check out our blog as she is on facebook! I got little footprints done for my daughter - so cute! They are proudly displayed on the fridge, and I'm notw looking forward to next week.

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