Monday 30 May 2016

My Zen Space: Sleep Hygiene

Sleep hygiene is defined as habits and routines which encourage good quality sleep and promotes higher alertness when awake. Here are some helpful tips which should send you to the land of nod peacefully, and regularly:

+ Go to the toilet a couple of times before going to sleep - restful night without trips to the bathroom
+ Read a book, but not one that is too exciting as it can just keep you up
+ Resolve any issues with your partner, or agree to sort it out the next day so you don't go to bed with things weighing on your mind
+ A book about dream definitions can help make sense of the oddities in dreams
+ Notepad next to the bed - write down any worries
+ Use worry dolls - tell them your worries and put them back 1 by 1 into their box or bag
+ Have a cuddle with your partner, child or pet
+ Watch a relaxing program
+ Count to 500 - every time you make a 
mistake start over and when 500 is reached get up and do something
+ If you're struggling to relax, do something fairly active (but quiet!) to make yourself tired
+ Dim the lights before bed - use lamps instead of overhead lights
+ Develop a routine - going to bed and waking up at the same time each day (or most days)
+ When you wake up, get out of bed as soon as possible 
+ Make the room as dark as it can be 

- Watch TV closer than an hour to bedtime - the light from the screen tricks our brains into thinking it is daytime
- Do too much before bed - adrenaline from exercise can keep you awake
- Drink tea/coffee or eat dark chocolate right before bed as they have high caffeine contents 
- Drink too much water before bed
- Use a laptop in bed, eat in bed etc. - use only for sleep and sex
- Get into bed again once you have got up 
- Try to force yourself to sleep - read or do something if you can't relax
- Eat heavy meals - this is harder on the digestive system
- Mull over what you have to do the next day 

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