Wednesday 21 December 2016

The Broken Laptop


My space bar recently stopped working, and with other laptop issues, I have missed blogging! It's great to be back on and I am hoping to have saved enough for a new laptop for Christmas...Make that Newyears'!

The Demise Of The Laptop

First, the spacebar went. That was okay. I opted to get a new keyboard which could be plugged in, but then the escape key fell off. This was also fine as I hardly ever used it. Then fate took a nasty turn, robbing me of my USB ports, I was unable to even connect my keyboard. This made it impossible for me to blog at all, until someone on Facebook pointed out that I could Copy and Paste a space to create correct word spacing. Although then my laptop decided it didn't like that on the Blog, so I had to write a whole paragraph and then go back and add the spaces one by one. My laptop also makes a stomach-churning rattling sound every time I switch it on...


So, I am planning to save up for a new laptop, but in the meantime I'm gonna have to either write everything down then upload pictures of it, or find another computer to use. Only thing is our local library is so damn hot it's hard to stay in there for long.

Goodbye, Lovely Laptop
I miss my pretty red laptop, it lasted almost 5 years. 

Peace be with her.

Thursday 10 November 2016

Baby Jars - Don't Throw Them Away!

After washing them out and taking the labels off, baby food jars can be incredibly useful. I have used them for several different purposes, and there is very little you have to do to up-cycle them!

  1.  Holding Jars for chocolate chips/mini marshmallows for your hot chocolate kit
  2.  Lanterns - simply put a tealight in, or follow the following DIY tutorial
  3.  Desk Tidy
  4.  Mini Flower Jars
  5.  Presents In a Jar

 How To Create
  1.  Holding Jars: Simply place all your tiny food items in the jar and close the lid for freshness. I have used mine for chocolate chips, and a larger jar for mini marshmallows. Looks great on a corner of the kitchen counter for your quick DIY hot chocolate kit
  2.  Lanterns: either place a tealight in the jar, or use PVA glue and tissue paper to decorate. Coat your jar in PVA, and place torn strips of tissue paper all over the jar. You can make the design more sturdy by repeating this process over your first layer.
  3.  Desk Tidy: You can do the same as above for decoration, or cut out your favourite images from magazines and layer these instead to make a collage, then place pens/pencils/paintbrushes inside.
  4.  Mini Flower Jars: Tie string around the top of your jar where the indent for the lid is, and hand up around the garden - fill with water and add flowers.
  5.  Presents In a Jar: buttons, a DIY hot choc kit, mini presents... The list is endless - you just need to fill the jar  

Wednesday 9 November 2016

Losing A Pet

Today, I said goodbye to my beloved 7 or 8 year old bunny, Pippin. She was a black dwarf with a white dot on the end of her nose <3 It's horrible knowing that I can't have my animals living with me because of our agreement in our tenancy.

Last night I had a call from my Mum, saying that Pip was taken to the vets with swollen eyes and genitals. They thought it was a virus, but we didn't yet know how severe it was. Unfortunately, I had another call today, when I was told that the virus had been identified as myximatosis, and was systemic. This meant it would be terminal, and there was not much we could do. Apparently the original strain of myxi occurred naturally, but other strains were developed in labs, and used on the rabbit populations in Australia.

Since then the virus has transformed and there are always new strains - although a vaccine protects your rabbit, it is never 100% foolproof. Sadly, insect bites from mosquitoes and fleas can spread the virus, so it is not easy to protect your animal.

Having Her Put Down
As soon as I saw poor Pippin - with her eyes weeping and practically swollen shut - sitting motionless on the vet's table, I knew she had to be put to sleep. Most people say it's not an easy decision, but for me it was the obvious choice - an instant reaction. It isn't easy to watch - I did cry very suddenly- but I think the best thing you can do for your animal is to stay with them as they are losing consciousness. The comfort gained from your presence will ease their passing.

Beware Myxi
As well as vaccinating against myximatosis, if you have a rabbit they will need to be protected from other viruses - check with your vet that your rabbit has all the protection he or she can get.

Tuesday 8 November 2016

Living Situation

At Your Parent's

This one is awkward, but necessary. No one starts in their own home, it's just a matter of time and money really when trying to ease your way into your own space. Living by someone else's rules can be a drag, but having these boundaries in place can prompt you to think about what kind of house you would run and rules you may set. For example, I hate having a 'lights off/bedtime' which was enforced by my Mum on several occasions when I was far too old for it by switching off the wifi. No internet = no noise and not much to do except sleep. (This is a trick I will be using as a last resort in years to come, I am sure.)

As annoying as parents can be, they do look out for you, and provide for you. This is a bonus no other housing option has to offer. 

In A Hostel

You can be placed anywhere, without much say in the matter or much choice of even the general area (you can pick from 4 areas, and even then you could end up in any of them). It is a faster option if you are a high band (Band A being the highest priority and F being the lowest as I recall) but this doesn't mean squat if there is a shortage of housing or an influx of needy people.

However, the council will take care of a lot of handy things for you, like getting hold of a free white good for the kitchen (we have a fridge-freezer). This you will have to ask for, as we only found out about it because we had a floating support worker.

In A Council House
Slightly better than private rented in many ways, but also slightly lower on perks.

In Private-Rented
For us, this is the crem de la crem of the crop.

In Your Own Home
My parents live in their own home, and it definitely has more visible perks than a lot of the other options, but on the other hand they get no help with it - having to make sure money is saved to fix things (like the boiler, at the moment) and make sure everything is running smoothly. In our private-rented 2 bedroom house, we can just call up our Estate Agents and they get someone out to fix whatever problem we have with the house. My parents, on the other hand, would have to pay for this service.

On the flip side, they can decorate however they like and make drastic changes, like putting in a pond or having an extension. In all the other housing options we have listed, you simply cannot go round doing that!

Daily Diary

  • Woke up at 8:30am, with help from my partner prompting me "You have Storysacks - you need to get up!"
  • Got ready for storysacks with Mini Me: Toast for breakfast then out the door as soon as we were sorted, to get there for 9:15
  • Finished picture cards
  • Went to pick up cream from Health Centre
  • Did a little retail therapy, for myself as well as for some Christmas preps
  • Went to a little local Cafe, they had Wifi so I started this post with loads of underscores replacing the space (that key doesn't work :( )
  • Had a cheese and cucumber sandwich
  • Tried to blog but realised spacebar doesn't work
  • Delilah woke up from nap and had a free biscuit
  • We headed back home and basically just chilled until my partner got back
  • He made pasta carbonara and we watched a horror movie
Overall, a productive day. Next time I would like to have a blitzed house, but I don't mind letting loose every now and then. It's nice to take a break and have a much-needed walk and a little socialising with locals in shops and at groups :)

Monday 7 November 2016

My Healthy Eating Plan

After 11 months, I have still failed to lose the babywieght, or what I now refer to fondly as my 'food pouch'. My jeans are a little too snug, and my 'pouch' likes to stretch out my once-flattering figure-hugging tops and dresses.

It is time for change.

Yes, I know this may seem a little pointless with several celebrations coming up - first Thanksgiving, then Christmas, then New Year. . . But it will be worth it as I'll enjoy them that bit more with a healthy diet behind me (so pigging out is more of a joyous treat than an every day slob habit).

My Plan. . .

Drinks - I will cut down on caffiene as it can cause an increase in headaches and migraines, irritate the bladder and make it more difficult to relax and sleep (with the exception of my 6am start days)

Food - I want to get back to my 5-a-day, smoothies could help with this

Carbs - No, I am not calorie counting or doing any radical diet, but by ensuring I only have one carb-filled meal a day, I am cutting down and hopefully eliminating some storage fat

Sweets and Snacks - these will be hard to tackle as I love to snack - Swapping milk chocolate for dark chocolate of 70%, which is as high as I can go without it tasting like coal. Eating fruit and nuts (but not too many as they are high in fat). Yogurts might be helpful too but aren't very filling

Meals - It's time to get the cookbooks out, I might go so far as to do a calorie - count. Maybe just for a day though, as it might make me feel paranoid if I try to do this too much 

Exercise - For all this healthy eating to be worth the effort, I need to make sure I go for at least a 1/2 hour walk every day. What's that you ask? What if it's raining? Don't worry, my backup plan is to do 100 jumping jacks. Maybe I will join some dance classes - these are indoors so will suit me whatever the weather.

Budgeting for The Run Up To Christmas

It's easier said than done when it comes to doing Christmas on a budget. There is so much to think about, for our own families and for everyone else.

To tackle the issue of over-spending and over-indulging at this festive time of year, I have compiled a list of ways you can save and make the most of Christmas and still have money for the new year.

  • Compile a list and stick to it
  • Make a strict spending limit for each person (say, £10 each)
  • Go to Charity shops
  • Keep an eye out for Sales
  • Shop online
  • Get the same amount of presents for everyone so no one feels left out
  • Make sure everyone has one 'main' present (this should be the largest/grandest/most costly)
  • Once you are finished, only buy small, inexpensive items as stocking fillers
  • Look out for sales, buy a set/pack of cards instead of individual cards
  • If you have any left over from last year, use these 
  • Check postage - you can use 2nd class stamps which are cheaper as long as you send them off earlier
  • Get value for your money and include a festive family photo (they are lightweight, so cost no more postage)
  • Buy at Charity shops 
  • Use large beads from necklaces strung up with fishing wire or ribbon to make baubles
  • Do as much DIY as possible - paper chains and snowflakes are a good starting point
  • Ask your friends and neighbours if they have any leftover decorations from last year
  • Look online, especially on social networking sites - it is cheaper 2nd hand than new from the shops 
  •  Start as soon as deals are on, checking if food can be frozen and make space in your freezer just for Christmas food
  •  Don't buy reduced items as they will go off quickly, but if you will use them straight away then do look out for these items closer to the time
  • Keep an eye out for offers, it is cheaper to buy multipacks than individual itmes
  • Invite lots of people! This ensures food is not wasted and makes the multipacks worthwhile!

  • Start saving asap - have a Christmas savings jar, only to be used for that purpose
  • Buy bits and pieces instead of all at once, it won't feel like such a blow to your wallet

Sunday 6 November 2016

Bonjour France!

Bonjour, je m'apelle Mums On Mars!

Hello, my name is Mums On Mars!

Merci beaucoup pour votre attention!

Thank you very much for your attention! 

Félicitations! Cette semaine, vous êtes le pays qui lit le plus le blog - merci!

Congratulations! This week, you are the country who reads the blog the most - thank you!

Your Fb Friend Request

Recently, I set up a Facebook page - if you are a user please do have a looksie!

It's not as 'finished' as the blog, and I only started updated it with links back to our page at the beginning of October - so time must be allowed for it to flourish. 

You can get more involved as all you need is a Facebook account to leave a Comment (and Emojis!) or you can personally write to M.O.M. by sending us a PM (private message).

Agony Aunt - Let's Start!
I am eager to get this feature up and running as it is so interactive for readers - all you have to do is post either publicly or privately your dilemma and M.O.M. will get back to you asap :) 

M.O.M. Would like to be on your Likes - so hit us up now!

Working On It

Hi, it has been a while...

So as it turns out, it is extremely difficult to find a couple hours of 'Me Time' every day, used for the sole purpose of Blogging. A few weeks ago, I started my new job in a convenience store - the hours are perfect (evenings and weekends) and allow me and my partner to have more of an even responsibility regarding looking after our daughter. The pay is great, in fact I earn more an hour than my partner (who has been working for 5+ years) !!!


The blog has suffered, and as I seem to be the only one posting, I have decided to take over the blog (until my fellow writer returns). I am not sure what's happening on her part - it is unclear when, or if she will return :/ 

My Promise To You

I will do my best do write a little each day, but this can be hard as I have very little time off for family activities now and still need to travel to see my parents and sister, so I guess we will see what happens. My aim is for at least 1hr of blogging a day. I may just have to start waking up early every day (my shift starts at 6 on Sundays, today I am writing as I am, unfortunately, ill).


I have yet to learn how advertising freely works, so please bare with!

Sunday 9 October 2016


We have all heard that too much TV and computer time will give you 'square eyes'. But how much of the saying is true? Is it really bad for us, or are we worrying over nothing? After all, just about every one enjoys a little TV time.

How Much is Too Much?

From a study I can't honestly remember the details of, it was found that more braincells are used sleeping than when watching TV. This is probably because when we dream, our brains are creating images, audio and sensations from our imaginations, and also from our everyday experiences, using this information to create something out of the ordinary. BUT... When we are watching TV, every base is covered except for sensation of touch/smell - the image is there, the audio is there and a storyline is provided, so what is there left to think about?

In my view, it depends on what you are watching. A documentary offers up valuable facts and figures - exercising our memory and ability to learn visually and through audio. A regular soap or TV programme, although quite possibly not as rich in facts, may also help us learn through the actions of others - in soaps the storylines often are shaped around personal relationships and how these mix into one another, interrupting or complimenting or... whatever. (I don't watch soaps as you can tell.) 

So, a regular soap may usually last 45mins - 1hr, and a Documentary can be anywhere from a few minutes (clips or short factual stories) to several hours. When is it too much? What is the optimal time that is 'safe' to spend infront of the screen? Let's go back in time to my childhood to consider...

My Dad used to allow us to watch a movie a day, as long as we got up after I think it was half an hour to do 100 jumping jacks. This might sound regimental, but it was really quite fun, and prevented me (short term) from becoming a 21st century couch potato. (I am now at the perilous edge of becoming a true couch potato.)

How much should you watch according to your age?

I don't think age makes much of a difference, although an old lady may be predisposed to watching her favourite shows at set times (maybe there is not much else she can do with limited mobility) and a toddler would most likely get bored after 5 minutes. Really, it's down to how much time you want to spend infront of the TV - virtual life, or real life?

Can TV Be Educational?

Yeah sure, in short - but again, it does depend on what you watch (no further explanations needed methinks).

Should TV Be Included In Family Time?

Yes and no.... It's a tricky one. If you are a TV dinner family and it is a tradition, this will be a familiar cycle your family have settled into. The danger with this is that conversation time is lost on TV time - eating away at relationships and even causing arguments (because so-and-so killed whoever, or anything like that in say, sitcoms). Real life is very rarely as exciting as the imaginary lives made up by scriptwriters, but they never will be unless you STOP WATCHING TV just long enough to experience life! (You don't have to take it from me, just go outside for a day and see what happens - I can guarantee you will feel a lot better than if your but had been planted on the couch instead). 

Of course, TV is a luxury and we all enjoy our luxuries, but this word needs to be heeded - Lux-u-ry! Not necessity. Basically, as long as your treat your TV time as actual TREAT time, it will all be fine ;)

Family Support - A Help or Hindrance?

After living with my partner's family in an overcrowded house (9 of us including mini-me in a 3 bedroom house) for several months, it was a welcome relief to find our own space.

Whilst family support is absolutely amazing and I will always be grateful for all the help and advice we've been offered, it is so refreshing to be my own person in my own house. Having a private garden was such a blessing for me - I live for the outdoors and get easily stressed when I'm cooped up (even experiencing Seasonal Affective Disorder in the Winter).

Over time I have come to realise that there is nothing to be ashamed of if you are still living at home, or with your other half's family. We all need support, and the guilt of other people looking after my child used to consume me. I will admit that I found it profoundly difficult to get used to my first child being around: the demand of constant supervision, seeming sometimes surgically attached to my mini-me, the days spent at home on the couch and frequent, regular feeds.... It was simply all too much.

However! It really does get easier over time - the feeding routine does become just that - a routine and after about a month it feels natural, second nature. As for the over-attachment, that is what the support is for. I can never thank my family and friends enough for being on hand whenever I am having ' a moment' and desperately need to confide in them. 

It's also a good idea to set a day for grandparent time. This allows you to take some time off and balances out time spent with extended family. If you can't stand your in-laws/other half's family, this is a great opportunity to calm the disputes - if you've already arranged the day, no one can claim they don't get enough time with their grandchild or that they have them too much.

As for making sure everyone gets an equal amount of time with Mini Me, I found that setting up my calendar with a separate column for each set of Gradparents was incredibly effective. Noting down when they spent time with my daughter and how much time it was, I kept track of who was seeing her when. If you really had to, I suppose the calendar could be shown to over-zealous Grandparents (proving that their time is equal to the other set of Grandparents when regarding their grandchild). 

Saturday 8 October 2016

Is Having Money Everything?

Money is important, however can it really answer everything? Can it make you happy and keep you that way? Having had money issues in the past as well as enjoying the luxuries that come with it, we explore why money is important, how much of it you need to survive and be happy, and when you can have too much.

A friend of my partner's has treated us to takeout and lunch out. £20 is nothing to him, yet to us that is a lot to be spending on a treat. He admitted to us that he is throwing his money around, not knowing what to do with it.

On the other hand, I used to have a very demanding friend, who claimed she couldn't afford to spend more than £10 a month and wouldn't catch a bus with me when I was too tired to walk. It turned out she was more than slightly full of it as the next day she put pictures up of her new tattoo (we are no longer friends needless to say). 

Either way, money can be an issue whether you have too much of it or too little. Seeing these mansions people buy on TV on shows like 'A Place in the Sun' and millionaires who buy diamond  collars for their dogs is insane... Then walking into town I may spot a homeless person with a cardboard sign... I once witnessed countless people walking ignorantly past a man sitting in an entryway on a corner in London. He had no shoes, an overgrown beard and dirty clothes, his toenails were actually black (most likely from the cold). Both extremes are equally shocking.

If you have enough of it, money isn't a worry - you don't have to think about bills, save for Christmas or any other celebration and you can do pretty much any activity you fancy (or travel to any place you fancy).

However, it's not 'all good in the hood' as we like to say... Money can change people - making them become more narcissistic and self-absorbed. 

My Example

So, taking me and my partner as 'examples', I can tell you that we are not terribly short on cash, but neither is it 'growing on trees' for us. After our last spot of bills, my partner told a friend we couldn't go out as we had "money pouring out of our ears". I think it's not so bad though - we  appreciate what we do have, it's rewarding when we have saved and going out somewhere special really is an occasion. We still treat ourselves and our daughter, and want for nothing except maybe some more outings. Saying that though, we probably wouldn't have the time even if we did have the money!

My Parents

They are pretty well off, and as my Dad travels a lot for work usually he will take one of the family with us. We went with him (and my family) to The States to visit family a few months back - it was awesome! At this point, eating fien food (Sainsbury's best!) and flying to hot places - I would say I would definitely enjoy splashing more cash. However, it is generous but annoying when I am offered stuff by my Dad - 'Can I pay for..' 'I'll give you some money' becomes a little irritating, after all I am an adult and would like to be able to say 'No don't worry about it' but more often than not I end up accepting simply because I am short on cash.

Money = Happiness (???)

Does it really though? Yeah, there is limitless amount of things you can buy with it, maybe even friendship - but it never lasts. Your friends will become more demanding and less grateful, your perks will become mundane and every day and you will get bored of splashing it about (like a kid with a water gun!). Eventually, when everything is metaphorically soaked in money, it gets damp and dull. 

What do you think? Can Cash make Happiness? Let us know in the comments below!  

Boy's Birthday Cake

Birthday Cake :D

Fake Friend Clearout

For those of us who have Facebook, we know that it's all too easy to end up with a backlog of somewhat shitty friends. Not a lot, but enough that you have to do a clear-out every now and then. I call it the 'fake friend clearout'.

Having done one today, I can say there is a weight off my shoulders that I didn't even realise was there. It is stressful to try to make time for these people when you get nothing back. Not knowing where you stand is another stress-inducing side-effect of having these people involved in your life.

How To Separate True Friends from Fake Friends

  1.  Message or text them
  2.  Ask to meet up
  3.  Make a house call
  4.  Phone regularly
A true friend will respond to most, if not all of these prompts to get in touch, whereas a fake one will find any excuse not to. Turning up on their doorstep can be used as a last resort, but be careful as they may see this as a way out of making an effort - they can make the excuse that you see them enough, so they don't need to visit you for example. 

Today I have had arguments with two people I viewed as very good friends. It all started when I was pregnant, with one of my friends visiting me, not realising my predicament. After I told him my news, he became incredibly 'busy' with his 'new lifestyle' (uni). The other friend, who I hadn't seen for years, paid me a visit and afterwards declared that he had feelings for me, whilst claiming my partner was possessive as he obviously was upset about this. 

The thing is, in both of these scenarios it became somehow my fault that my friends didn't have time for me or simply didn't want to make time. IT IS NEVER YOUR FAULT if you have made an effort for ungrateful people. As long as you put your money where your mouth is, and don't become a hypocrite, they should make the same effort for you as you do for them.

There is another person I thought I was good friends with who doesn't return any of my messages. It could be that they have  changed phone numbers, but the thing is with this great online world, we can see when messages are recieved and read, so I know he has seen everything I sent him on social media.   

Saying all this, I do have a busy life with my little family, and I don't have the spare time I used to - but that doesn't mean I have to become a total recluse. Too many people use their children as an excuse not to go out these days. Yes, you have kids, yes you are a busy parent, and yes you have responsibilities and priorities - but so do all of us! Even without kids, life can be hectic and demanding of your time.

The Bottom Line

It's not what you have, but how you use it: The same can be said for how we CHOOSE to spend our time. I can be caring for my daughter, and still go out for lunch with a friend, thus keeping my priorities in order as well as making time for others. It is my personal belief that no-one is 'too busy' for their friends, just unwilling to set aside time.

Sunday 2 October 2016

Animals and Children

Previously, I would have said animals and children don’t mix, but the joy in my daughter’s face when she sees any animal shows me that kids really do love animals. To be fair, they don’t know how to handle correctly (unless taught – and usually only older children are really good) and especially young children could accidentally hurt animals as they don’t realise how gentle they have to be. 

However, my 9 month old daughter can be gentle when we tell her to be. I was very lucky – she could stroke a little hamster without harming it (under close adult supervision, of course), but not all children are like this.

I believe that you can successfully mix animals and children, as long as they can both be taught to respect each other. From personal experience, I would recommend dogs as they can be trained to be gentle with children, and can be tolerant of heavy handling (for instance, when a child is learning they may pull fur or even hit the animal).


As a parent, I wouldn’t want to get a pet for my child until she is old enough to understand how to correctly handle and care for it. This is simply because I have seen so many animals become neglected and unwanted, with parents saying that they originally got the animal for their children, but they bite/don’t handle well/ children don’t look after them.

“When people are going to get a puppy or kitten I always think they should be small enough together that they can grow up together. I do like the idea of them learning together. However, the kids have to be old enough to know not to hit or pull the animal around. That’s why I think the perfect age is 3 or 4 years old to start off with pets.”

Pets as Presents: Agree or Disagree?


“I don’t see why not” What about for kids? “I don’t really know.”
“Yeah you can get them, a pet is a present. You can buy a pet as a gift can’t ya. But if my Mum came home with a dog I would be over the moon. Some kids do look after the family pets well.”
“My Mum got a French Bulldog for her birthday. Now she is one of the family.”


“They’re not for Christmas, they’re forever”
“An adult is old enough to know that they are for life, but a child wouldn’t.”
“I disagree. A lot of parents get them for a Christmas present, for the kids.”

Friendships - Keeping Them Alive

Some fizzle away over time, or are suddenly cut off for specific reasons and others come and go. All friendships are different, but I have found a clear pattern which has emerged over the course of my pregnancy and after birth.

The sad truth is, a lot of your friends probably won't stick around (or at least not as much as they used to).

Staying in the Loop
  1. text
  2. facebook or use other social media
  3. phone
  4. visit

Do at least one of these every day and you are sure to keep yourself in the loop with social trivia and keep friendships strong. This way, you will discover who your true friends are as the ones who don't want o make the effort for you will no longer have the excuse 'but you're busy'. It's also great to stay up to date with everyone else's lives - they could be busy with their own little ones and be finding it tough to make free time for others, too.

Hair and Beauty: Men's Trends

From the man-bun to hair braiding, hairstyles for men are continuously evolving and changing, becoming more and more elaborate. As of last year the man braid has become the new thing to do.

Using the hashtag #manbraid, men have been proudly posting photos on instagram. Some of these are incredibly intricate styles, using designs such as french braids and waterfall braids. From female perspective, most are beautiful styles which I would wear myself, but most do not look attractive on a man to me. Others may disagree.

The responses to this new trend are mixed; some appreciate the skill needed to do these hair styles, whilst others laugh when they see these men's efforts, saying that they don't suit them at all. One 17 year old guy I know believes that "Braids are more of a woman's style". I have to say, I do agree with him. however, I am a fan of corn rows and some of these styles do actually look quite good. thinking about it, this is not a new development - Native Americans have been braiding their hair for centuries - whether they be male or female. It just took us a while to catch up to the trend.

Just Some of the Styles...And a few comments from observers

Style 1
Men's Braided Long Top Short Sides

"It just doesn't look right. It's not like a proper braid, it just looks like he has his hair jelled up."

"It looks strange"

Style 2

Flat Braids And Bun For Men
"That just looks like a woman's style"

"That looks like a girl"

Style 3
Cornrows, Crown Braid And Shaved Sides

"it looks like he's got a tyre track on his head"


"incredibly effeminate"

"personally I don't see the point. It's obscure"

another male simply states 'No!'


Saturday 1 October 2016

Welcome Back!

It's been a while, but we are back as of today! Now, I am not saying that we will religiously post every single day all the topics that we have planned out, but we will do our best to keep up with the blog and cover the main things.

So, in our time off we have decided to start up the new Agony Aunt - making it possible for you to speak directly to us (you can email directly or just comment on a post) and we will publicly post our response. This tool will be available once to twice a week (and possibly more if it is a success).

We have also started work on some Halloween projects which can be fun for youds, and we've also built up a collection of reading material you can either buy yourself, or read about on here. There are some interesting theories about time management, fashion strategies to get the most out of your garments and (new) interpretation of dreams.

In short, there are a few exciting new topics and tutorials coming up, but the layout and everything on the blog we have decided to leave just the same - why fix something that isn't broken ;)


Tuesday 30 August 2016

The Truth About Breastfeeding (Source: Netdoctor)

I really wish I head read this article when I was pregnant and planning to breastfeed. After three days with absolutely no sleep, I gave up and switched to bottle, but that's a story for another time (and another post).

If you are considering breastfeeding, please read this - I can tell you from experience it is all true - but don't let it put you off if you are confident in your choice. This is in no way tarnishing the reputation of breastfeeding, or promoting bottle feeding instead, but states several realities which many midwifes fail to tell you about in antenatal classes. At my antenatal class, the speaker straight up lied to us all, saying there were ' no drawbacks' at all.

Of course, I knew she was lying. My Mum, Nonna, and best friend as well as my Grandma all breastfed, and I knew it was not as easy-going as many would have women believe. For a start, I was already leaking profusely and my nipples were so sore and red (even bleeding) that I had to wear nipple pads, meant for lactating women (after birth) and used ointment several times a day.

It's not all bad news though - you do have an amazing bond with your baby through breastfeeding and it has been proven to produce endorphins as well as help the body heal after birth. All I am saying is, it is way more of a challenge than it's advertised as being. 

Monday 29 August 2016

We'll Be Back Soon

Okay, so I didn't do too well keeping up the blog on my own. In fact, I did next to nothing admittedly.

All of that will change in October, as we'll be giving the blog some much - needed attention. I make no promises about a site makeover, but we will be getting our butts in gear and learning how to better organise the blog. We will try to add regular photos to posts and keep up with the daily blog schedule.

In the meantime, we will blog when we get the chance, but posts may be few and far between. September will be our 'peace out and plan' time and we promise to make a great comeback in October!

Some Good and Bad News

So the good news is that one of us is getting a job part-time (a few hours a day in evenings and fuller weekends), but the bad news is that the other has become a single Mum. Don't worry, we are both reasonably happy and well- we just have a lot on our plates at the moment.

Introducing: Agony Aunt

So, if you guys can help us out with some comments, we will introduce an agony aunt (like the kind you see in magazines). Simply send us a private email or comment publicly on the blog and we will get back to you asap. The Agony Aunt will only start up once we have comments and interest in it - so please do give us your thoughts!

See You Again Soon

Best Wishes,

Friday 19 August 2016

My plans they crumble around me

I feel like all my hopes and dreams has just gone in one instance. The reality has hit I feel like I've hit a brick wall. Is this all there is to life And will i  always being a single parent. Sharing my kids was not what I wanted, i want a family unit that I did not have. Feeling safe and secure as a couple and now, I have to feel it on my own. If it's a single woman looking after a child I have more responsibility on how the children are raised, it's never going to be equal parenting, is me who sacrificed everything.
I hope my kids in forgive me I'm trying to do my best, as a parent I feel like I fail at every hurdle. This is me, trying to get over the thing that was always inevitable. I need to move on now and be strong for the children. Even though i feel weak and tired.

Monday 8 August 2016

Diet: The Animal-Free Shopper

I recently read this handy little book, designed to help consumers make informed decisions when shopping for animal-free products. It includes cosmetics as well as food and clothing information, with lists of retailers which sell animal-friendly products, and full lists of those products available.

However, I don't think it is realistic in this day and age to do a completely animal-free shop. Especially not without taking a guide out with you. My advice would be to simply check labels and know which ingredients are the ones to watch out for (in a lot of chocolate desserts, for example, there is gelatin sourced from animal bones).

For anyone who would like to read the book, it is called The Animal- Free Shopper, written by The Vegan Society, first edition published 1991.

Is It Worth It?

As this information is now very out of date, I would recommend researching in a library or online for better information. If you are ready to put in the commitment required when shopping, it is definitely worth the effort. A clean conscience and protecting animal rights are great reasons to try to buy animal-free products.

That said, it is a difficult task to complete, and it may be impossible to do 100% of the time, but it is well worth trying. Medications are a whole different story though, and are virtually completely impossible to avoid animal testing if you have to take them. There are alternative, natural remedies also but these should be taken with caution. Please do not stop taking medication even if you feel you can replace it with a natural remedy.

Budgeting - Some Tips To Live By

Using kitchen towel (the re-usable, washable kind) has helped me save on wipes - at least for use of the face  (instead of bum!).

Selling off extra clutter that is not needed can boost your funds. Anything you can't get rid o on facebook or selling sites, you can try to sell doing a Yard Sale. If that still doesn't work, make gifts out of extra things for friends or just give the rest away to charity.

Don't over-wash clothes - if it was worn once it probable isn't dirty. (A great way to tell is to do the sniff test - it never lies!)

Forget your credit card so you can't over-spend. By not taking your card out, you make it impossible to use money you don't have, or to use too much and not leave enough left over for bills, say.

Only leave small change in your wallet - leave notes at home - this gives you enough for a small treat like a chocolate bar or crisps, and you  can buy baby food with change too.

Keep a change jar - use this money for baby essentials like wipes and food (we love the Ella's Kitchen pouches for when we're on-the-go)

Use all your food: invest in storage tubs and jars so that leftovers can be made the most of

Read our Leftover Menu for tips when it comes to using up those annoying little bits that are always hanging around!

The Truth About Food: Meat (Source: BBC iPlayer)

The World Health Organisation says that some types of meat can cause cancer. Currently 98% of the UK population eat meat, consuming up to 54kg a year. More processed meat is being favoured as wells as ribs and chicken.

Benefits of Eating Meat

  • Processed meat means it as had something added, whether this is in the form of flavouring, salt, sugar or preservatives. In other words it is meat that has been modified in some way.
  • Processed meat contains the same nutrients as fresh.  
  • From 800 studies by W.H.O. 16,000 people die in the UK every year due to bowel cancer.
  • Today, we eat over 30% more meat than in the 1930s.

protein = 7 and a half eggs
vitamin D


In terms of damage to health, two rashers of bacon are equal to smoking 4 cigarettes. However, less than 3% of all cancers are caused in relation to meat being eaten and over 25% are related to smoking cigarettes.

sodium nitrite added - this helps to preserve the meat and prevent harmful bacteria from forming, but is also one of the main ingredients responsible for health warnings on meat. 

Nitrites increase the risk of cancer developing. This is caused by the chemical reacting with stomach acid as it is digested - the compounds resulting can cause cancer. Bowl cancer is likely to develop if over 18 percent of the recommended amount of processed meat is eaten every day.
The number of nitrites is halved when a special formula is added to processed meat. This formula is currently still being developed and is in testing.

Red meat may be cancer-causing.

How to Cook 

  • Processed meat means it as had something added, whether this is in the form of flavouring, salt, sugar or preservatives. In other words it is meat that has been modified in some way.
  • Processed meat contains the same nutrients as fresh.  
  • From 800 studies by W.H.O. 16,000 people die in the UK every year due to bowel cancer.
  • Today, we eat over 30% more meat than in the 1930s.

PAH chemical formed in smoke.
High temperatures and fat dripping onto embers produces more smoke.

  • Safest = gas BBQ
  • control temperature
  • marinade
  • cook thoroughly
The UK government recommend that no more than 70g of any meat is eaten daily, to obtain it's maximum nutritional benefits and minimal health risks (also relating to bowl cancer). In the UK, 1 in 4 men eat 90g a day, whilst 1 in 10 women over-indulge.

Eating too much meat is related to heart disease because of saturated fat. 

Meat reaches the gut ans produces TMAO (contributed to hardening of arteries) by bacteria in the gut only found in meat-eaters. A move away from red meat has happened recently in the UK, with a 60% drop in lamb and 25% in beef in the past 50 years. 335% more chicken is eaten now,. Thi is most likely because chicken was made cheaper in the 1940s when battery farming was introduced. 3 and a half million chickens are now consumed daily in the UK.

A 12 week study found that halving the amount of red meat eaten reduced the amount of saturated fat dramatically, with bad cholesterol levels in blood dropping by 10%.

The Food Debate: Veggie vs Meat

More people from around the world are starting to be more conscious of what they put into their bodies. We are going to weigh up the pros and cons from a non- biased point of view.


Veggie/ Vegetarians: no meat or meat products (includes gelatin found in jelly) but they do eat dairy products.
(Should not be confused with Pescetarians.
Pescetarian: No meat, but still eat fish and dairy products)

Meat Eaters/ Omnivores: eat meat, meat products, dairy products and plants. (So pretty much anything!)

Health Benefits:

  1. No animals were killed in the making of the meal you eat
  2. Your meal is cruelty-free as animals were not farmed at all
  3. More sustainable than meat (less land, water and resources used)
  4. Can grow most of the food you eat
  5. Reduced meat in the diet is it linked to a longer life expectancy

Meat Eaters/ Omnivores
  1. Food can be more easily sourced as your diet is so adaptable
  2. You don't have to eat a lot of meat: you can do this sustainably by limiting the amount you eat and ensuring it was kept in a cruelty- free way (i.e. Free Range)
  3. It can be easier to ensure that you're getting enough Iron and Protein as red meats are rich in these
  4. Can benefit some wildlife through population control - for example deer in the UK have lost their natural predators (wolves) and are beginning to damage wild habitats through over-grazing
  5. Nothing is wasted - All parts of an animal can be used (hide for leather, bones for gelatin etc)    


When deciding to become a vegetarian, you should make sure you have done your research and knowing what you can eat to replace the meat.

Over-fishing has become an issue and some species have been hunted to near extinction. A key example of taking advantage of nature is the loss of the Dodo - a flightless bird killed for its meat and has been completely wiped out. The Dodo was not a suspicious bird, and made its nest on the ground - making it an easy target for hunters