Tuesday 8 November 2016

Daily Diary

  • Woke up at 8:30am, with help from my partner prompting me "You have Storysacks - you need to get up!"
  • Got ready for storysacks with Mini Me: Toast for breakfast then out the door as soon as we were sorted, to get there for 9:15
  • Finished picture cards
  • Went to pick up cream from Health Centre
  • Did a little retail therapy, for myself as well as for some Christmas preps
  • Went to a little local Cafe, they had Wifi so I started this post with loads of underscores replacing the space (that key doesn't work :( )
  • Had a cheese and cucumber sandwich
  • Tried to blog but realised spacebar doesn't work
  • Delilah woke up from nap and had a free biscuit
  • We headed back home and basically just chilled until my partner got back
  • He made pasta carbonara and we watched a horror movie
Overall, a productive day. Next time I would like to have a blitzed house, but I don't mind letting loose every now and then. It's nice to take a break and have a much-needed walk and a little socialising with locals in shops and at groups :)

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