Tuesday 30 August 2016

The Truth About Breastfeeding (Source: Netdoctor)

I really wish I head read this article when I was pregnant and planning to breastfeed. After three days with absolutely no sleep, I gave up and switched to bottle, but that's a story for another time (and another post).

If you are considering breastfeeding, please read this - I can tell you from experience it is all true - but don't let it put you off if you are confident in your choice. This is in no way tarnishing the reputation of breastfeeding, or promoting bottle feeding instead, but states several realities which many midwifes fail to tell you about in antenatal classes. At my antenatal class, the speaker straight up lied to us all, saying there were ' no drawbacks' at all.

Of course, I knew she was lying. My Mum, Nonna, and best friend as well as my Grandma all breastfed, and I knew it was not as easy-going as many would have women believe. For a start, I was already leaking profusely and my nipples were so sore and red (even bleeding) that I had to wear nipple pads, meant for lactating women (after birth) and used ointment several times a day.

It's not all bad news though - you do have an amazing bond with your baby through breastfeeding and it has been proven to produce endorphins as well as help the body heal after birth. All I am saying is, it is way more of a challenge than it's advertised as being.


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