Sunday 2 October 2016

Friendships - Keeping Them Alive

Some fizzle away over time, or are suddenly cut off for specific reasons and others come and go. All friendships are different, but I have found a clear pattern which has emerged over the course of my pregnancy and after birth.

The sad truth is, a lot of your friends probably won't stick around (or at least not as much as they used to).

Staying in the Loop
  1. text
  2. facebook or use other social media
  3. phone
  4. visit

Do at least one of these every day and you are sure to keep yourself in the loop with social trivia and keep friendships strong. This way, you will discover who your true friends are as the ones who don't want o make the effort for you will no longer have the excuse 'but you're busy'. It's also great to stay up to date with everyone else's lives - they could be busy with their own little ones and be finding it tough to make free time for others, too.

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