Monday 8 August 2016

Diet: The Animal-Free Shopper

I recently read this handy little book, designed to help consumers make informed decisions when shopping for animal-free products. It includes cosmetics as well as food and clothing information, with lists of retailers which sell animal-friendly products, and full lists of those products available.

However, I don't think it is realistic in this day and age to do a completely animal-free shop. Especially not without taking a guide out with you. My advice would be to simply check labels and know which ingredients are the ones to watch out for (in a lot of chocolate desserts, for example, there is gelatin sourced from animal bones).

For anyone who would like to read the book, it is called The Animal- Free Shopper, written by The Vegan Society, first edition published 1991.

Is It Worth It?

As this information is now very out of date, I would recommend researching in a library or online for better information. If you are ready to put in the commitment required when shopping, it is definitely worth the effort. A clean conscience and protecting animal rights are great reasons to try to buy animal-free products.

That said, it is a difficult task to complete, and it may be impossible to do 100% of the time, but it is well worth trying. Medications are a whole different story though, and are virtually completely impossible to avoid animal testing if you have to take them. There are alternative, natural remedies also but these should be taken with caution. Please do not stop taking medication even if you feel you can replace it with a natural remedy.

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