Monday 7 November 2016

My Healthy Eating Plan

After 11 months, I have still failed to lose the babywieght, or what I now refer to fondly as my 'food pouch'. My jeans are a little too snug, and my 'pouch' likes to stretch out my once-flattering figure-hugging tops and dresses.

It is time for change.

Yes, I know this may seem a little pointless with several celebrations coming up - first Thanksgiving, then Christmas, then New Year. . . But it will be worth it as I'll enjoy them that bit more with a healthy diet behind me (so pigging out is more of a joyous treat than an every day slob habit).

My Plan. . .

Drinks - I will cut down on caffiene as it can cause an increase in headaches and migraines, irritate the bladder and make it more difficult to relax and sleep (with the exception of my 6am start days)

Food - I want to get back to my 5-a-day, smoothies could help with this

Carbs - No, I am not calorie counting or doing any radical diet, but by ensuring I only have one carb-filled meal a day, I am cutting down and hopefully eliminating some storage fat

Sweets and Snacks - these will be hard to tackle as I love to snack - Swapping milk chocolate for dark chocolate of 70%, which is as high as I can go without it tasting like coal. Eating fruit and nuts (but not too many as they are high in fat). Yogurts might be helpful too but aren't very filling

Meals - It's time to get the cookbooks out, I might go so far as to do a calorie - count. Maybe just for a day though, as it might make me feel paranoid if I try to do this too much 

Exercise - For all this healthy eating to be worth the effort, I need to make sure I go for at least a 1/2 hour walk every day. What's that you ask? What if it's raining? Don't worry, my backup plan is to do 100 jumping jacks. Maybe I will join some dance classes - these are indoors so will suit me whatever the weather.

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