Wednesday 13 July 2016

Organisation: In The Morning

It's a tough time for a lot of us, but for early birds the sunrise is something to be looked forward to and can even be seen as the best part of the day. Personally, I like being up before the rest of my family as it gives me a sense of achievement, but I do enjoy the odd lay-in too. 

I recommend that you:
  • Start getting stuff together the night before - sterilise any bottles and get them ready for saving in the fridge (or put water in the kettle ready for the next morning if you prefer making them up fresh)
  • Prep yourself and your little one - baths the night before make sure you are clean(er) in the morning. Do your beauty regime - plucking, shaving, moisturising etc.
  • Ask your partner to help you in the morning if they can
  • Leave at least half an hour to get yourself ready, and another half an hour for your child
  • Only do the minimal - take breakfast with you if you can
  • Write a list of what you need to get done and take with you if you have a bad memory (much like me!)

Generally, I find that unless I have my breakfast before my daughter wakes up, I don't get to have it until she is either playing happily or having her morning nap. For this reason I aim to always get up at 8am (she is usually up about half an hour later). Having quick showers is another thing I would recommend if you didn't get the chance to wash the night before.

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